An Overview of Identifiers in Hibernate/JPA
1. Overview
Identifiers in Hibernate represent the primary key of an entity. This implies the values are unique so that they can identify a specific entity, that they aren’t null and that they won’t be modified.
Hibernate provides a few different ways to define identifiers. In this article, we’ll review each method of mapping entity ids using the library.
2. Simple Identifiers
The most straightforward way to define an identifier is by using the @Id annotation.
Simple ids are mapped using @Id to a single property of one of these types: Java primitive and primitive wrapper types, String, Date, BigDecimal and BigInteger.
Let’s see a quick example of defining an entity with a primary key of type long:
3. Generated Identifiers
If we want to automatically generate the primary key value, we can add the @GeneratedValue annotation.
This can use four generation types: AUTO, IDENTITY, SEQUENCE and TABLE.
If we don’t explicitly specify a value, the generation type defaults to AUTO.
3.1. AUTO Generation
If we’re using the default generation type, the persistence provider will determine values based on the type of the primary key attribute. This type can be numerical or UUID.
For numeric values, the generation is based on a sequence or table generator, while UUID values will use the UUIDGenerator.
Let’s first map an entity primary key using AUTO generation strategy:
In this case, the primary key values will be unique at the database level.
Now we’ll look at the UUIDGenerator, which was introduced in Hibernate 5.
In order to use this feature, we just need to declare an id of type UUID with @GeneratedValue annotation:
Hibernate will generate an id of the form “8dd5f315-9788-4d00-87bb-10eed9eff566”.
3.2. IDENTITY Generation
This type of generation relies on the IdentityGenerator, which expects values generated by an identity column in the database. This means they are auto-incremented.
To use this generation type, we only need to set the strategy parameter:
One thing to note is that IDENTITY generation disables batch updates.
3.3. SEQUENCE Generation
To use a sequence-based id, Hibernate provides the SequenceStyleGenerator class.
This generator uses sequences if our database supports them. It switches to table generation if they aren’t supported.
In order to customize the sequence name, we can use the @GenericGenerator annotation with SequenceStyleGenerator strategy:
In this example, we’ve also set an initial value for the sequence, which means the primary key generation will start at 4.
SEQUENCE is the generation type recommended by the Hibernate documentation.
The generated values are unique per sequence. If we don’t specify a sequence name, Hibernate will reuse the same hibernate_sequence for different types.
3.4. TABLE Generation
The TableGenerator uses an underlying database table that holds segments of identifier generation values.
Let’s customize the table name using the @TableGenerator annotation:
In this example, we can see that we can also customize other attributes such as the pkColumnName and valueColumnName.
However, the disadvantage of this method is that it doesn’t scale well and can negatively affect performance.
To sum up, these four generation types will result in similar values being generated but use different database mechanisms.
3.5. Custom Generator
Let’s say we don’t want to use any of the out-of-the-box strategies. In order to do that, we can define our custom generator by implementing the IdentifierGenerator interface.
We’ll create a generator that builds identifiers containing a String prefix and a number:
In this example, we override the generate() method from the IdentifierGenerator interface.
First, we want to find the highest number from the existing primary keys of the form prefix-XX. Then we add 1 to the maximum number found and append the prefix property to get the newly generated id value.
Our class also implements the Configurable interface so that we can set the prefix property value in the configure() method.
Next, let’s add this custom generator to an entity.
For this, we can use the @GenericGenerator annotation with a strategy parameter that contains the full class name of our generator class:
Also, notice we’ve set the prefix parameter to “prod”.
Let’s see a quick JUnit test for a clearer understanding of the id values generated:
Here the first value generated using the “prod” prefix was “prod-1”, followed by “prod-2”.
4. Composite Identifiers
Besides the simple identifiers we’ve seen so far, Hibernate also allows us to define composite identifiers.
A composite id is represented by a primary key class with one or more persistent attributes.
The primary key class must fulfil several conditions:
It should be defined using @EmbeddedId or @IdClass annotations.
It should be public, serializable and have a public no-arg constructor.
Finally, it should implement equals() and hashCode() methods.
The class’s attributes can be basic, composite or ManyToOne, while avoiding collections and OneToOne attributes.
4.1. @EmbeddedId
Now let’s look at how to define an id using @EmbeddedId.
First, we need a primary key class annotated with @Embeddable:
Next, we can add an id of type OrderEntryPK to an entity using @EmbeddedId:
Let’s see how we can use this type of composite id to set the primary key for an entity:
Here the OrderEntry object has an OrderEntryPK primary id formed of two attributes: orderId and productId.
4.2. @IdClass
The @IdClass annotation is similar to the @EmbeddedId. The difference with @IdClass is that the attributes are defined in the main entity class using @Id for each one. The primary key class will look the same as before.
Let’s rewrite the OrderEntry example with an @IdClass:
Then we can set the id values directly on the OrderEntry object:
Note that for both types of composite ids, the primary key class can also contain @ManyToOne attributes:
Hibernate also allows defining primary keys made up of @ManyToOne associations combined with @Id annotation. In this case, the entity class should also fulfil the conditions of a primary key class.
However, the disadvantage of this method is that there’s no separation between the entity object and the identifier.
5. Derived Identifiers
Derived identifiers are obtained from an entity’s association using the @MapsId annotation.
First, let’s create a UserProfile entity that derives its id from a one-to-one association with the User entity:
Next, let’s verify that a UserProfile instance has the same id as its associated User instance:
6. Conclusion
In this article, we’ve seen the multiple ways we can define identifiers in Hibernate.
The full source code of the examples can be found over on GitHub.
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