JSON in C++

#include "json/json.h"
#include "json/json-forwards.h"

std::string createJson()
        Json::Value root;
        root["body"] = "[[PizzaHouse]](http://url_to_text) You have a new Pizza order.";

        root["connectColor"] = "#FAC11B";

        Json::Value connectInfo;

        Json::Value title1;
        title1["title"] = "Topping";
        title1["description"] = "Pepperoni";

        Json::Value title2;
        title2["title"] = "Location";
        title2["description"] = "Empire State Building, 5th Ave, New York";

        Json::Value title3;
        title3["title"] = "Who am I?";
        title3["description"] = "Cpp Http Send Test";

        root["connectInfo"] = connectInfo;

        Json::StyledWriter writer;
        return writer.write(root);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
        std::string jsonString = createJson();
        std::cout << jsonString << std::endl;
        return 0;


$ ./json_test
   "body" : "[[PizzaHouse]](http://url_to_text) You have a new Pizza order.",
   "connectColor" : "#FAC11B",
   "connectInfo" : [
         "description" : "Pepperoni",
         "title" : "Topping"
         "description" : "Empire State Building, 5th Ave, New York",
         "title" : "Location"
         "description" : "Cpp Http Send Test",
         "title" : "Who am I?"

Last updated